Most customers will not buy, book, or request more information the first time they visit your website. They spend time doing research and can forget about a certain product or service very easily. A category or product page they’ve read on your site gives you valuable information about that consumer. Retargeting completes the loop and displays ads to those high-intent visitors while they browse other sites. This has been proven to be highly effective since, as reports, consumers who see retargeted ads are 70% more likely to return and convert.
Mobile Usage Is Surpassing Desktop
The majority of retargeting efforts are setup to work with desktop consumers. As you’ve probably heard, mobile usage is out-pacing desktop in almost every category. Take the Travel/Tourism industry for example: In 2016, more travel sales will booked on a mobile device compared to a desktop or laptop. Accommodations and airfare booked via desktop continue to decline as people grow increasingly comfortable researching and booking trips on small-screen devices. eMarketer’s latest travel industry study forecasts 52% of US travelers who book trips via digital channels will do so using a mobile device, which will be up from 43% in 2015. It’s clear your audience is on their smartphones and tablets more than desktops and now they are making more significant purchases on those devices.
Apps vs Mobile Web
The majority of mobile usage occurs within apps compared to mobile web. Nielsen data shows an overall 80/20 usage split between apps (email, social, news) and web browsers (Chrome, Safari). But don’t ignore the mobile web when buying media because it’s still very important for brands with mobile-optimized sites who have customers arriving from search engines. Tablet users spend 56% of their time on the mobile web (comScore). The key to successful mobile retargeting campaigns is the ability to access ad inventory across all environments, networks/exchanges, iOS, Android, in-app, and mobile web.
In 2016, it’s important to be engaged along the entire digital purchase journey. Google reports 90% of consumers start a task on one device and finish it on another. Mobile retargeting is a great mid-funnel marketing tool that keeps your brand in front of potential customers at the right moments with personalized, relevant ads on the device they use the most.
First, make sure your website or landing pages are mobile optimized. Second, choose a digital advertising partner that has access to mobile ad inventories across iOS, Android, apps, and mobile web. Talk to Future Flow Media about retargeting your audience on their mobile devices. Contact Us
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