Auto Dealer Sales Conversions

A Better Way to Track Automotive Marketing and Conversions.
The Problem: Finding a Better Way to Measure Marketing-To-Sales Conversions Confidently.

Auto dealers had a problem. They had no way to confidently measure, justify, or validate how marketing campaigns converted automotive shoppers into actual vehicle sales. Traditional online tracking tools rely on limited technology such as cookies, device IDs, and lead capture funnels. Vehicle buyers are also wary of sales people at dealerships, making them hesitant to give any personal information to dealers while researching a vehicle purchase. This made it difficult to track conversions all the way through the marketing, research, and sales funnel. After all, what happens when shoppers engage with dealer campaigns, but don’t identify who they are until they walk into a showroom? What if they use multiple devices and tools to conduct research? How can dealers close the gap from online-to-offline or device-to-showroom sales conversions?

THE Solution

Hyper-Targeting Matches Real People to Marketing Campaigns.

Future Flow Media helped auto dealers identify how much their marketing campaigns directly influenced sales. Our hyper-targeted auto conquesting service matched the names and addresses of vehicle buyers with the names and addresses of people targeted in each campaign.

The Results

An Accurate Record of How Campaigns Convert to Vehicle Sales.

Future Flow Media was able to remove the veil and make it easier to track and attribute campaign results to vehicle sales.

As a result, we were able to:

  • Measure 20-38% of shoppers targeted in the campaign converted to a sale
  • Validate they were reaching the right audience with the right messages
  • Demonstrate which campaigns made positive contributions to the bottom line
  • Successfully close the gap in online-to-offline sales conversion reporting

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