Mobile Ad Spending is Exploding while Desktop is Flat
There’s a $21 billion untapped opportunity for brands to catch up with how people consume media. Internet advertising revenue increased 20% in 2015 over 2014, hitting $60 billion total.
- Spending on Mobile ads grew more than 66% while Desktop increased just 5%.
- Only 12% of ad budgets are for Mobile, where people spend 25% of their time.
- People spend 22% of their time on Desktop where 23% of ad budgets are earmarked.
Facebook and Google are Winning
Google and Facebook combined caused 75% of online advertising growth in 2015 over 2014.
- Facebook’s ad revenue increased 59%.
- Google’s ad revenue grew 18%.
- Only 13% of growth was contributed by all other digital players combined.
Millennials Still Use Facebook
Industry reports keep saying that Facebook is out of vogue for teens and young adults, but the data tells a different story. Facebook surpasses all other social media platforms on both reach and time used with 18-34 year olds.
Based on KPCB Internet Trends Report